翻歌词玩:in the forest——chandeen

in the forest

out of the mid-wood's twilight 告别密林之黄昏
into the meadow's dawn 迎接草地之黎明
ivory limbed and brown-eyed 象牙色的肌肤与棕色的眼眸
flashes my faun! 闪烁着我的福恩

he skips through the copses singing 他唱着歌穿跃灌木丛
and his shadow dances along 他的影子独自起舞
and I know not which I should follow 我不知该跟随
shadow or song? 影子还是歌声

O hunter,snare me his shadow! 哦狩猎者,用他的影子诱惑我/为我捕来他的影子吧!
O nightingale,catch me his strain!哦夜莺,用他的歌声俘获我/为我捉来他的歌声吧!
Else moonstruck with music and madness 还有这/伴随着音乐与迷狂的撩人之月
I track him in vain! 我徒劳地追随着他