Entries from 2016-01-01 to 1 year

魔术大揭秘 / 奇術師のプレステージ / Magician's Secret

50% size. Detective magazine cover, August, 2016. I never believe I can draw the style like "The Rose of Versailles" (ベルサイユのばら)... All of three are males BTW, in case... XDThe original link:http://dreamplan2010.deviantart.com/art/…

藏宝地图 / 詐欺師の宝の地図 / Treasure Map of Hustler

50% size.Detective magazine cover, July, 2016.I didn't have too much time to do it this time. So I used two photos as background material to save time.The city stuff was taken in 2014 christmas day when we stopped by Oklahoma City on the w…

半神之梦 / 魔物の夢に、王の覚醒 / Daemon's Dream

50% size.A character from my original story. It used to be a Vampire King, who's in its latest transformation process from vampire to human. He is a creature between human and vampire now. I have worked with CSP for a long time. But I'd li…

电子记忆 / 夏に蛍、金魚の魂 / Singing in the wind of Death's Dream Kingdom

It's a lucid dream of mine about ghost and summer night. The title comes from The Hollow Men by T. S. Eliot.实在想不出这张图的中文题目要怎么起合适,干脆翻出以前写的一首涂鸦小诗来配图吧。 电子记忆 原标题:我知道时针如何爬过十二点的琴谱 我知…

破晓的Aporkalypse / 灰雪が降る、暁のAporkalypse / Aporkalypse Christmas Postcard

The postcard is a commission work from armathenia for the Kickstarter project Aporkalypse - An Entertaining End of the World Anthology I myself pretty love the worldbuilding of this project and the characters design it has, it's absolutely…

跳兔大侦探2:紫雏菊海滩上的木乃伊 / 名探偵ウサギ2 瑠璃雛菊の浜にインカミイラ / Rabbit detective 2 : Mummy from Purpledaisy Beach


欲入囚笼 / 牢屋生活への憧れ / Beg for Prison


红色幽灵 / 赤い物の怪 / Red Ghost


虚假生意 / お守りの売買 / Fake Trade


不翼而飞的红豆甜点 / 消えた洋菓子 / Disappeared cake


第四个知情人 / 4番目の目撃者 / The 4th Witness


迷案查凶 / 上元節殺人事件 / The Murder under the Lantern
